An emergent practice of transformative wealth redistribution

Arising Quo is taking its first steps towards exploring what transformative wealth redistribution looks like, over an initial period of 12 months.

We are a small team who over the course of this first year are undertaking a range of activities — from moving resources into micro-demonstrators*, to commissioning work that signals towards something with transformative potential, to exploring the pre-conditions for more transformative work, alongside doing our own research.

This is all being done in a spirit of enquiry. What we do over the course of this initial period, we imagine will guide what happens in the following years, and will help inform where further resources are distributed.  We’re trying to work in the open, sharing insights as we go.

We’re trying to work in the open, sharing insights as we go.

  • To find out what we mean by ‘transformative wealth redistribution’, click here.

  • To find out more about the different explorations, click here.

  • To find out more about who we are, click here.

  • And for more of the background story, click here.

*We describe what we mean by this on the The Explorations page.