Background Story


Stefan met with Active Philanthropy for the first time.


Over the course of two years, through working with Active Philanthropy, undertaking his own research, work experience at Guerrilla Foundation and Resource Transformation, Stefan started to develop his ideas around redistribution of wealth.

Subsequently, Active Philanthropy introduced Stefan to Cassie, believing that some of her experience and expertise might be relevant to the kinds of questions that Stefan was asking.


After some emailing and calls, Stefan and Cassie met in person for the first time and following an initial brief of the work, landscape research was carried out, scoping some possible areas of enquiry.

A public narrative was created and published, and a group of people approached to be the Accountability Circle of Arising Quo.

 By end of the year, a small team had been recruited to support the work, and the Accountability Circle met for the first time.


The first three learning grants were committed, and the new team (Stefan, Cassie, Felicity and Johannes from Active, tiff and Corbin) set up team structures and ways of working. Research and consideration of further learning grants was continued. In spring, a brand identity was created.

Work with the Accountability Circle and within the team was continued, and the remaining learning grants committed (The Explorations).

 In late summer, the AQ website is launched.